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Zeppelin "The first step is always the hardest", 2017

Sculptural project featuring 300 Zeppelin sculptures at the Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen

The Zeppelin Museum invited Ottmar Hörl to develop a new temporary installation featuring 300 serial sculptures in the run-up to an exhibition entitled "Cult! Legends, Stars and Icons". At the south end of Buchhornplatz, between the Zeppelin Museum and the Medienhaus am See library, the installation covering 200 square metres turns Friedrichshafen's urban space into an "art location" offering an invitation to communicate.  

Hörl's sculpture harks back to the motif of the boy holding an LZ3, depicted on the Zeppelin fountain (1909). The only monument to Count Zeppelin erected and inaugurated during his lifetime, the figure on the fountain symbolises the global success of Friedrichshafen's manufacturing business based on the development of its airship industry. At the same time, it stands for Friedrichshafen itself. After all, the figure and the globe on which it stands, miraculously survived Allied bombing during World War II unscathed. This installation is an invitation to reflect upon the challenges posed by any new beginning. 



Fotos: Eva Schickler + ©Zeppelin Museum Foto: Markus Tretter

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